The Iowa Law Enforcement Academy provides training for reserve peace officers (Section 80D.4). ILEA creates minimum standards for reserve officers. The Academy Council certifies reserves to carry weapons. ILEA set minimum standards in 2004. They were then adopted into administrative rule. ILEA created a general curriculum in 2007.
The Reserve Officer training is an 18 month long program.
The program is self-paced and conducted online. The modules may be completed as quickly as you desire or as you are able.
Each module must be completed in order, A-F. At the end of each module is a proctored exam. You must receive a passing score of 70% on each exam. Once that module is complete, you may move on the next Module. After completion of all 6 modules, there is a final exam before certification. All exams must be proctored.
The cost for training and testing for each Reserve Officer is $500.00. The cost for testing only for each Reserve Officer is $100.00.
Complete Reserve Officer Reporting form. Must contain the minimum medical requirements documentation. Please make certain you provide the Reserve Officer’s email address. Upon receipt, your Reserve Officer will be registered for the LMS training.
You must tell the Academy if you are training in-house. If you are not, the Reserve Officer will train and test through the LMS.