Effective upon approval by Academy Council for July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.

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ILEA Basic Academy Tuition and Fees

ILEA Basic Academy Tuition and Fees
ILEA Basic Academy (Long Course: 620 hours minimum)$4,800.00
Regional Basic Training School Administrative Fee$125/student
Registered Officer does not attend Basic Academy$125/student

The total cost of the Basic Academy Long Course at ILEA is $14,400.00.  As prescribed by Iowa Code 80B.11B(2), the Academy shall charge one-third of the total cost to the department ($4,800); except for the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Transportation, and any other state agency or department of the State which shall incur the total cost; and for tribal government candidates, who shall incur the total cost.

Administrative Fees and Tuition for Partial Attendance

A recruit may attend part of the Basic Academy without completing. If that happens, tuition will be billed according to the following schedule:

Administrative Fees and Tuition for Partial Attendance
AttendanceAdministrative FeeTuition Amount
Attendance through part or all of Week 1$125.00Plus 20% of Total Basic Tuition
Attendance through part or all of Week 2$125.00Plus 40% of Total Basic Tuition
Attendance through part or all of Week 3$125.00Plus 60% of Total Basic Tuition
Attendance through part or all of Week 4$125.00Plus 80% of Total Basic Tuition
Attendance through part or all of more Weeks 5-16-100% of Total Basic Tuition

Basic Academy fees may be prorated if a recruit cannot finish. This includes recruit injuries and illness. If payment for the recruit has already been received by the Academy, an appropriate credit may be issued to the department. 

Other Basic Academy Fees

Other Fees
TASER and/or Electronic Control Device user Certification$100.00
PIT Training (Optional)$225.00
Rifle Training (Optional)$500.00
Rolling Roadblocks (Optional)$100.00

Additional charges may be applied for lost and/or damaged items.

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Law Enforcement Certification through Examination (CTE)

Law Enforcement Certification through Examination (CTE)
(Short Form) Materials, administration, and scoring for certification exam$1,500.00
(Long Form) Materials, administration, and scoring for certification exam $2,000.00
Iowa Law Enforcement Emergency Care Provider (ILEECP)$150.00
OWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Training/Implied Consent $250.00
Firearms Qualification $75.00
Emergency Vehicle Operations$150.00
PIT Training$225.00
Rolling Road Blocks$100.00
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Special Training Classes Held in Conjunction with ILEA Basic Training

Individual officers attending a class or classes, which are part of the Basic Training program, will be charged according to the following:

Special Training Classes Held in Conjunction with ILEA Basic Training
Special Training ClassFee
Chemical Agents$100.00
Criminal Law (18hrs + Test) $150.00
Data Master/Chemical Testing $100.00
Vehicle Operations$400.00
Radar $90.00
Use of Force$100.00

Other classes will be evaluated and a charge set as attendance is requested.

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Specialized Training Courses

Specialized Training Courses
Bicycle Patrol Officer Instructor Course$625.00
Bicycle Patrol Officer Instructor Renewal$150.00
Bicycle Patrol Officer Course$500.00
Chemical Spray Instructor Course$150.00
Chemical Spray Instructor Renewal$150.00
Collision Investigation Course$150.00
CPR Renewal - at ILEA (Red Cross Fee Separate)$10.00
CPR Renewal - off-site (Red Cross Fee Separate) (minimum of 10)$30.00
Defensive Tactics Instructor Course$625.00
Defensive Tactics Instructor Renewal$150.00
Drug Diversion in Long-term Care Facilities$30.00
Expandable Baton Instructor Course$150.00
Expandable Baton Instructor Renewal$125.00
Field Training Officer Course$380.00
Firearms Instructor Course$625.00
Firearms Instructor Renewal$175.00
Heart Saver, First Aid and AED$50.00
HR-218/Qualification for Retired OfficersNo Charge
ILEECP Renewal - at ILEA (Red Cross Fee Separate)$20.00
ILEECP Renewal - off-site (Red Cross Fee Separate) (minimum of 10)$40.00
Patrol Rifle Instructor Course$625.00 
Patrol Rifle Instructor Renewal $175.00
Precision Driving Instructor Course$625.00 
Precision Driving Instructor Renewal (minimum of 4)$300.00 
Sniper/Observer Rifle Course$375.00 
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Driving In-Service Training

This covers P.I.T., Rolling Road Blocks, and EVO.

Driving Fees
Driving In-Service Training FeeResource Cost
Divided Equally Between all Agencies$1,500
Driving Costs
Driving In-Service TrainingGroup Rates per Agency
1-4 Attendees$250
5-10 Attendees$1,000
6-15 Attendees$1,500
16-20 Attendees$2,000
21-25 Attendees$2,500
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Administration of Physical Readiness Test @ ILEA $50.00
Firearms Qualification $75.00
Sheriff’s and Deputies Promotional Exam (ISSDA) $50.00
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Cognitive Testing

Cognitive Testing
Administration of POST @ ILEA$100.00
POST Transfer of prior score$20.00
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Psychological Testing

Psychological Testing
MMPI Usage but not administered$20.00
MMPI Evaluation$150.00
MMPI Administration and evaluation $200.00

MMPI Transfer to another agency (waiver required)

MMPI-3 (Police) Interview$150.00
MMPI Interview no-show/late notice (24hr or less)$75.00
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Jailer Training

Jailer Training
Jail Basic Training 40-hour Course$375.00
Online Jail In-Service 20-hour Course$125.00
Jail Basic Temporary Holding Facility Course$125.00
Jail Temporary Holding Facility In-Service$125.00
Jail Medication Management Course$125.00
Administrative Fee for Council Approved, Non-ILEA Training$50.00
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Telecommunicator Training

Telecommunicator Training
Telecommunicator Basic 40-hour Course$375.00
Telecommunicator In-Service @ ILEA$20.00
Telecommunicator In-Service Off-site (min. 20)$35.00
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Online Training

Online Training
Behavioral Health for Law Enforcement$10.00
Implicit Bias/De-escalation In-Service$25.00
Blood borne Pathogens$10.00
Hazardous Materials (HazMat) In-Service$10.00
Officer Internal Investigations (Back the Blue)$10.00
Reserve Officer Academy$500.00
Reserve Officer Academy (testing only)$100.00
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Miscellaneous Administrative Charges

Miscellaneous Administrative Charges
Standard Document/Records Request
First 10 pages, then $0.25 per page
Document Request 
Research/redaction fee determined by the average
hourly rate of the staff member authorized to fulfill the
First 30 minutes of search at no cost (SF2322)
Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Charging Manualno charge
Agency Certification for Executive Order 13929 $125.00
Bike Patrol Officer School Administrative Fee$30.00

Council will consider the following list for determining fees:

  • Equipment Costs
  • Class Location Fees
  • Guest Instructor Fees
  • Instructor/Administrative Staff Salaries
  • Number of course instructors and length of course
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