Annual In-Service Training Requirement

All regular law enforcement officers shall meet annual in-service training requirements. The elected or appointed official designated as the head of the agency employing the regular law enforcement officer shall ensure compliance with the training requirements listed.  

In addition to the following, a regular law enforcement officer must receive an additional minimum of 12 hours per year of law enforcement-related in-service training. Whether training is law enforcement-related shall be determined by the employing agency administrator.

TopicIowa Code SectionFrequency
Bloodborne PathogensOSHA Standard 
Hazard CommunicationsOSHA Standard 
Mental Health501-8.1(4)(80B)(b)Annually
Firearms Qualification*501-8.1(1)(80B)Annually
NCIC CertificationFBIEvery 2 years
CPR501-3.5(4)(g)Every 2 years
Mandatory Reporting: Child Abuse and Dependent Adult AbuseIowa Code Section 232.69(3b) and Section 235B.16(5e)Every 3 years
Hazardous MaterialsOSHA Standard 
Every 3 years
CPR/AED/Airway Obstruction All Ages*501-8.1(2)(80B)Upon expiration
Implicit Bias/De-escalation Training80B.11GAnnually

Break in Service

Any individual who leaves and then returns to an Iowa law enforcement officer position must complete all annual in-service requirements. They must complete an additional 12 hours of general in-service training. Also, they must complete appropriate hours listed below within one year of the individual's hiring date. Training topics determined and tracked by the employing agency administrator. 

Period Outside of Iowa Law Enforcement In-Service Training Required 

  • More than 12 months to 24 months 24 hours
  • More than 24 months to 36 months 36 hours
  • More than 36 months 60 hours


Iowa Law Enforcement Emergency Care Provider (ILEECP) certification is only required if one plans to teach or administer first aid. ILEECP recertification also runs on a 2-year renewal basis.