If an agency hires an applicant who needs to attend an academy, a Report of Hire (ROH) must be submitted no less than 30 days before the first day of the planned academy. Upon receipt, ILEA staff will contact you to confirm the academy you selected. If documentation is not received on time, the academy may not be available. Submissions received less than 30 days prior to the first day of the requested academy may restrict the recruit's ability to attend.

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A Law Enforcement Officer who is Not Certified in Iowa or by Any Other State

  1. Complete LEO Report of Hire Form
    • A physical fitness test is required.
    • A POST is required.
    • An MMPI-2 is required.
    • A complete background check including fingerprints is required.
  2. Complete the Minimum Medical Requirement Form. The uncorrected vision must be 20/100 or better to meet the minimum medical requirements. 
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A Law Enforcement Officer Who is Currently Certified in the State of Iowa

  1. Complete the LEO Report of Hire Form
    1. A physical fitness test is not required by ILEA. You may enter “ILEA Certified” into this field.
    2. A POST is not required by ILEA. You may enter “ILEA Certified” into this field.
    3. A Psychological Exam is required, if the officer has had a break in law enforcement service of over 180 days.  A psychological exam is valid for 1 year. If a psychological exam has been taken in the last rolling year, a MMPI transfer can be ordered via ILEA .
    4. A complete background check, including fingerprints is required if the officer has had a break in law enforcement service of over 180 days.

      An agency may hire an officer out of law enforcement. In this case, the officer needs to meet in-service requirements as out-lined in Iowa Code 501, Chapter 8.1. There are additional training hours required with a break-in-service of more than 12 months as out-lined in Iowa Code 501, Chapter 8.3.

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A Law Enforcement Officer Who is Currently Certified in Another State

  1. Applicants must complete a preliminary CTE application to be considered for enrollment in the path to Iowa certification.
  2. Upon application approval by the Academy Council
    • Complete the LEO Report of Hire Form
      1. A physical fitness test is required.
      2. A POST is required.
      3. An MMPI is required.
      4. A complete background check including fingerprints is required.
    • Complete the Minimum Medical Requirement Form. The uncorrected vision must be 20/100 or better to meet the minimum medical requirements. 

For questions on the CTE process, please contact Donna Hallstrom.

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** Civil Service Certified List. MMPI test scores and POST scores will remain valid for 12 months from the date of examination. An applicant who is not hired or placed upon a civil service certified list within 12 months of the examination(s) must retake and successfully pass the examination(s) before hire. 

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