Regional Academies

Training is not limited to ILEA. Training also takes place at regional academies across the state. Cedar Rapids Police Academy, Des Moines Police Academy, and the Department of Public Safety (DPS) Academy train their own officers. These academies range from 17-22 weeks in length.

Hawkeye Community College, Indian Hills Community College, and Western Iowa Technical Community College train recruits through a shortened academy. Those attending must;

  • Have a two or four year criminal justice or police science degree with at least 20 credit hours dedicated to the degree program.
  • Be certified law enforcement by another State. This training must match the basic training required in Iowa (IAC 501–3.4).
Regional Academies
Regional AcademyLocation
Cedar Rapids Police AcademyCedar Rapids
Des Moines Police AcademyDes Moines
Department of Public SafetyDes Moines
Hawkeye Community CollegeWaterloo
Indian Hills Community CollegeOttumwa
Western Iowa Technical Community CollegeSioux City

For questions regarding registration to the regional academies, please contact Donna Hallstrom.